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 Masakazu ASAHARA

Favorite animal: Platypus

 Current Position

Lecturer / Senior Assistant Professor, Division of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Aichi Gakuin University

2007 BSc (in Agricultural Science) Department of Agriculture, KyotoUniversity
2009 MSc Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
2013 PhD (in Science) Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University

2009 -2011 Research Assistant (Kyoto University global COE program)
2011 - 2013 Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Mishima-Kaiun Memorial Foundation (2009–2011)
Grant for Overseas Reserach Trip from The Kyoto University Foundation (2010)
Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) (2011–2013)
Narishige Zoological Science Award (2014)
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) (2016–2019)


Young Scientist Award 2016 (The Mammalogical Society of Japan)
Best Poster Presentation Award (The 2010 Annual Meeting of the Mammalogical Society of Japan)


2009 - 2013
Laboratory of Systematic Zoology (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University) & Kyoto University Museum

2013 - 2015
Phylogeny and Systematics Section, Kyoto University Primate Research Institute

2015 - 2016
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences , Mie University

Division of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Aichi Gakuin University

 Research Interest

 Evolution of mammalian characteristics
 Evolution of dental morphology and dental formulae
 Powerfullness of adaptation and constraint for morphological evolution
 Application of comparative morphology to different field
 Financial and political independence of basic sciences

Ideal researchers
 Lord Masatoshi Ohkouchi
 Barbara McClintock
 Lord Walter Rothschild

 Publications (peer-reviewed articles)

 Google Scholar

22) Asahara M., Takai M. (2017)
 Estimation of diet in extinct raccoon dog species by the molar ratio method. 
 Acta Zoologica 98: 292–299.

21) Asahara M., Nishioka Y. (2017)
 Geographic variation of absolute and relative lower molar sizes in the Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata: Primates, Mammalia).
 Zoological Science 34: 35–41.

20) Asahara M. (2017)
 Geographic variation of absolute and relative lower molar sizes in two closely related species of Japanese field mice (Apodemus speciosus and Apodemus argenteus: Muridae, Rodentia).
 Zoological Science 34: 26–34.

19) Lau ACC., Asahara M., Han SY., Kimura J. (2017)
 Craniodental Morphology of the Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) in East Asia.
 The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 79: 144–152.

18) Asahara M. (2016)
 The origin of the lower fourth molar in canids, inferred by individual variation.
 PeerJ 4: e2689. 

17) Asahara M ., Koizumi M., Macrini T.E., Hand S.J., Archer M. (2016)
 Comparative cranial morphology in living and extinct platypuses: Feeding behaviour, electroreception and loss of teeth.
 Science Advances
2: e1601329.

  *Featured in Science: The platypus's sixth sense cost it its teeth. Science 354 (6309): 192.
  *Featured in the other media: My Navi News (Japan), Nikkei Shinbun (Japan), Mainichi Shinbun (Japan), Sankei Shinbun (Japan), Chunichi Shinbun (Japan), and several other newspapers. Cosmos (Australia), Today's Science (USA), Folha de S.Paulo (Brazil), Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau (Germany)

16) Lau ACC., Asahara M ., Han SY., Kimura J. (2016)
 Sexual dimorphism of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra ) in South Korea: craniodental geometric morphometry.
 The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 78: 1007–1011.

15) Asahara M., Saito K., Kishida T., Takahashi K., Bessho K. (2016)
 Unique pattern of dietary adaptation in the dentition of Carnivora: its advantage and developmental origin.
 Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283: 20160375. 

14) Saito K., Takahashi K., Asahara M., Kiso H., Togo Y., Tsukamoto H., Huang B., Sugai M., Shimizu A., Motokawa M., Slavkin HC., Bessho K. (2016)
 Effect of Usag-1 and Bmp7 deficiencies on murine tooth morphogenesis.
 BMC Developmental Biology 16: 14.

13) Asahara M ., Chang C-H., Kimura J., Son NT., Takai M. (2015)
 Re-examination of the fossil raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) from the Penghu channel, Taiwan, and an age estimation of the Penghu fauna.
 Anthropological Science 123: 177–184. 

12) Wolsan M., Suzuki S., Asahara M., Motokawa M. (2015)
 Tooth size variation in pinniped dentitons.
 Plos One 10: e0137100.

11) Asahara M . (2014)
 Evolution of relative lower molar sizes among local populations of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in Japan.
 Mammal Study 39: 181–184.

10) Asahara M . (2014)
 Shape variation in the skull within and between wild populations of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in Japan.
 Mammal Study 39: 105–113.

9) Nishizawa H., Asahara M ., and Kamezaki N. (2013)
 Ontogenetic scaling of the humerus in sea turtles and its implications for locomotion.
 Zoological Science 30: 211–216.

8) Asahara M . (2013)
 Shape Variation in the Skull and Lower Carnassial in a Wild Population of Raccoon Dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides ).
 Zoological Science 30: 205–210.

7) Asahara M. (2013)
 Unique inhibitory cascade pattern of molars in canids contributing to their potential to evolutionary plasticity of diet.
 Ecology and Evolution 3: 278–285.

6) Asahara M., Kryukov A., and Motokawa M. (2012)
 Dental anomalies in the Japanese mole Mogera wogura from northeast China and the Primorsky region of Russia.
 Acta Theriologica 57: 41–48.

5) Nishizawa H., Asahara M., Kamezaki N., and Arai N. (2010)
 Differences in the skull morphology between juvenile and adult green turtles: Implications for the ontogenetic diet shift.
 Current Herpetology 29: 97–101.

4) Asakawa M, Zhang H, Pei J, Asahara M, Wen W-J, Liu C, Mahmut H, Wu X, Motokawa M, and Hoshino B. (2010) 
 External measurements of passeriformes (aves) species captured in Qinghai Province of China.
 Journal of the College of Dairying, Natural Science. 35: 73–75. (in Japanese)

3) Motokawa M., Zhang H., Pei J., Asakawa M., Asahara M., Wen WJ., Liu C., Mahmut H., Wu X., and Buhe A. (2010)
 Small mammals collected from Qinghai Province, China.
 Biogeography 12: 29–37.

2) Suzuki S, Asahara M, Wu Y, Li Y, Harada M, and Motokawa M. (2010) 
 Collecting records of mammals in Mt Wasamata and Mt Daifugen, Nara Prefecture, Japan.
 Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan 64: 3–11. (in Japanese)

1) Asahara M., Uesugi R., and Osakabe Mh. (2008).
 Linkage between one of polygenic hexythiazox-resistance genes and an etoxazole-resistance gene in the two-spotted spider mite (Acari: Tetranychidae).
 Journal of Economic Entomology 101: 1704–1710.

Other publications

3) Asahara M., and Takai M. (in press)
 Dietary transition in the Nyctereutes sinensis and Nyctereutes procyonoides lineage during the Pleistocene.
 Acta Zoologica (in press)

2) Asahara M . (2017)
 gPlatypus diplomacyh in Australia: from World War II to the present.
 Bulletin of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Mie University 2: 1–17. (in Japanese with English abstract)

1) Asahara M. (2016)
 Provenance of a raccoon dog specimen from the New York Zoological Society in 1905.
 Bulletin of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Mie University 1: 23–28. (in Japanese with English abstract)

See Japanese page for miscellaneous publications


(C) Masakazu ASAHARA